(“Gtelco” or “Company”) has adopted this Acceptable Use AUP (“AUP”) to outline the acceptable use of Gtelco’s Broadband Internet service (“Broadband Service”). This AUP is in addition to any restrictions contained in the Gtelco service agreement for Internet service (the “Subscriber Agreement”). All capitalized terms used in this AUP that are not defined here have the meanings given to them in the Subscriber Agreement.
The following disclosure describes the network practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms for (“Gtelco”, “LightBurst Broadband” or “Company”) pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Transparency requirements in 47C.F.R §8.3 and to ensure that you have sufficient information to make informed choices about the purchase of broadband services.
Gunnison Telephone Co.,(Gtelco), policy statement regarding compliance with the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act, (CALEA).
It is the policy of the Gunnison Telephone Company to comply with the letter and spirit of all laws of the United States, including CALEAS. Section 105 of CALEA requires a telecommunications carrier…
Gunnison Telephone Co.,(Gtelco), policy statement regarding policy and procedures in connection with Customer Proprietary Network Information.
The Gunnison Telephone Company was established policies and procedures determining the identification of customers before releasing CPNI. These include verification of passwords for telephone and online…
Gunnison Telephone Co.,(Gtelco), policy statement regarding Compliance with the Identity Theft Prevention Program.
The Gunnison Telephone Company was established policies and procedures in connection with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 12 C.F.R., 41.90 and 41.91 rules.
Utilities are required to maintain their presently effective tariff at each business office open to the public. The link below provides public access to our current Schedule of Rates and Charges.
Schedule of rates and charges together with rules and regulations applicable to telephone service provided in the territory served by the Gunnison Telephone Company within the state of Utah.
Gunnison Telephone’s Internet Content Harmful to Minors Policy
The following disclosure describes the network practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms for (“Gtelco”, “LightBurst Broadband” or “Company”) pursuant to Utah Code §76-10-1231(1) “Data service providers — Internet content harmful to minors” requirement. Information about Gtelco’s other policies and practices concerning broadband are available at
Preventing Digital Discrimination Policy
Gunnison Telephone Company (“Gtelco”, “Lightburst Broadband”, “Company,” “our,” or “we”) is committed to providing equal access to broadband internet access service for all individuals, irrespective of their income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or national origin, as required under the FCC’s Preventing and Eliminating Digital Discrimination Report and Order and section 60506(b) of the Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021. This Digital Discrimination Policy (Policy) outlines compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and our commitment to making broadband services accessible to everyone in our service areas.